Energetic Marketing

Receive an influx of clients into your reality by changing your energy.

No hustling, just strategy.

  • Learn how to feel safe

    Booking a lot of clients when you’re not used to it can make your physical body feel unsafe. Having higher sales and bringing in paying clients requires the brain to feel safe.

    Learn practical steps to feel safe with booking clients and getting paid.

  • Steps to bring in clients, now.

    Learn techniques to spend more of your time and energy in booking clients. Shifting your attitude to anchor in the feeling.

    Physical & Mental Change = Manifestation.

  • Maintaining consistency

    Prevent feast & famine with steps that help you feel confident in your ability to bring in clients & reduce stress in building a business.

Guide outline

  • Commit

  • Changing Mindset

  • Receiving Clients

  • Anchoring in the feeling.

  • Making it a habit

  • Tackling fear of What if?

Get the guide for as low as $297

I know that money is tight when you aren’t bringing in the clients you want to be bringing in so I offer a payment plan: 2 payments of $297 or pay in full for $497.

I know that this works and I guarantee it. Put all the steps into action for at least 4 weeks, if you haven’t brought in clients, you’ll receive a month’s worth of coaching ($2000) for FREE.

I don’t leave any of my students hanging and I know that sometimes it’s a matter of figuring where there is something energetically is out of place.

About Miriam

Miriam moved to a new city in 2019 and had to restart her business all over again. With no connections and no family, she built a 6 figure business in 8 months.

Fast forward through a pandemic, her revenue in 2021 was 300k. She teaches others how to generate leads and income through mindset which not only transformed her business but also her entire life. She supports her husband, 3 children, and 4 dogs.

Jumpstart your growth

Want more personalized assistance with transforming your business in a short period of time?

Join the Mindset Mastermind.

Weekly calls along with access to all the guides for free.

  • Energetic Marketing Guide

  • Personal Branding For Quick Growth

  • Pricing for Profit